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Thank you for writing a parent testimonial to describe your child's experience in one of our courses.  If you want to read what previous parents have written, please scroll past the form below to read their comments.

Parent Testimonial

Overall Course Rating:
PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent
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December 28, 2024

I am incredibly grateful for Literary Focus and the impact the When the Emperor Was Divine course had on my son’s writing and literary analysis skills. This was my son’s first formal novel study course. He loved the engaging class discussions and supporting material that Mr. Bunting used to help bring the novel alive. He also enjoyed the opportunity to connect the novel’s themes to his present-day life through the ACLU Freedom Project. My son benefited immensely from the individual writing conferences. Instead of simply pointing out areas for improvement, Mr. Bunting provided practical guidance and encouragement that helped him develop his confidence and become a much stronger writer. Overall, the class was a positive, nurturing environment that was still academically rigorous. My son is looking forward to next session!
- Kipper J.
Seattle, Washington
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July 13, 2024

"We highly recommend Derek as an outstanding literature teacher.  In his course, we discovered precisely what we had been seeking: a challenging small-group setting led by an engaging and insightful professor.  His diverse and well-chosen selection of literary works ensures students engage with a thought-provoking variety of literature.  Derek's thoughtfully designed assignments hone writing skills and foster critical thinking, enabling students to excel in their AP-level studies and beyond.  The writing conferences were incredibly valuable, almost like a bonus course in essay writing.  Derek's commitment to student success is truly inspirational."
- Inese J.
Riga, Latvia
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July 13, 2024

"Derek is a wonderful teacher. He is extremely insightful and makes sure the kids are engaged and their opinions are shared during the class. The sessions push the kids to think harder and motivates them to try out of their comfortable zone. Both my kids loved the classes and we will repeat his classes during school breaks."
- Sudha M.
Cupertino, California
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March 30, 2024

"I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the enriching experience that Mr. Bunting's English literary program has provided.  The diverse range of activities and comprehensive curriculum fostered our child's deep love for reading and writing.  She has completed two courses and looking forward to many more!  The foundational skills acquired and the enthusiasm for reading and writing that has been ignited are invaluable.  Mr. Bunting went above and beyond in providing a personalized learning experience by adapting to the kids' pace of learning and areas of interest to ensure that the content remained challenging and engaging for each student.  Mr. Bunting's genuine passion for teaching created a supportive and nurturing learning environment, and his individual feedback and encouragement were invaluable in boosting our child's confidence and enthusiasm.  Thank you for being so committed to enriching children's lives through literature!"
- Gayathri R.
Houston, Texas
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March 22, 2024

"Over the years we had heard many accolades about Derek Bunting’s teaching style as he had taught my friends’ teenagers.  When my 16-year-old son finally had the opportunity to experience Mr. Bunting, we saw that his praise was well deserved.  His passion for literature is infectious. Derek is able to connect with students and instill a love of learning.  My son, who typically steers clear of language arts, devoured The Great Gatsby and The Kite Runner.  He looked forward to his weekly classes with Mr. Bunting, which were well organized with detailed outlines of his expectations and assignments.  My only disappointment is that he can’t teach my son everyday!  I couldn’t be more happy with my son’s time with Mr. Bunting.  Thanks for inspiring my son to read the classics on his own."
- Caroline A.
Salt Lake City, Utah
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March 20, 2024

"Literary Focus, over the past two years, has done a superior job in working with my child in performing a close reading of her Honors/AP independent reading.  My daughter has stated that she feels connected to Derek as she undertakes the work each week.  In fact, this past year, my daughter broke an historic trend of only excelling in her math and science classes by performing with the highest marks in her English class for the first time in her life.  Finally, I would encourage other parents to reach out to their child’s community to see if others in their child's co-hort would join in on Derek’s classes.  The more friends, the more fun!"
- Shawn C.
Olympic Valley, California
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September 8, 2023

"Absolutely delighted with these courses and Mr. Bunting! Exactly what we were looking for.  Mr. Bunting is patient, supportive and on point, and my son was engaged the whole time.  He helps kids think for themselves by asking the right questions and allowing them to formulate their own conclusions instead of simply giving them the answers.  I like that approach—it has really helped my boy to develop the courage to express his thoughts openly.  Mr. Bunting's approach is constructive and really positive.  My son completed two courses this summer, Things Fall Apart and Macbeth, and he learned to look at a book from many different points of view.  Derek has a great way of including every child in the conversation and making the lessons not only fun and interactive, but also compelling so the kids look forward to the next class to continue the discussions.  We look forward to taking more courses in the future.  It was an awesome experience and highly recommended!"
- Aarti D.
London , England
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September 1, 2023

"My 10th-grader took four amazing courses with Derek last summer that thoroughly prepared him to excel in his English classes this year in a highly competitive school district in Irvine, California.  This summer he took two more courses (The Kite Runner and The Namesake) and again found them to be fantastic.  After such a great experience, I also enrolled my 8th-grader this past spring in Derek's high-level, extremely well-thought-out courses on literary analysis to begin getting him ready for high school.  He took four more courses over the summer as well (Fahrenheit 451, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Night), and it was also an A+ experience.  We’re looking forward to taking more courses with Derek next year; he’s easily the best English teacher my sons have had." 
- Kamran A.
Irvine, California
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July 29, 2023

"It has been a pleasure to see my son's growth and shift in approach to learning while working with Derek.  Derek provides diverse resources, constructive feedback, and truly promotes critical thinking.  His passion and knowledge for literature allowed my son to get excited about learning and reflect deeper.  My son commented that he greatly benefited from the course and the optional one-on-one writing conferences that are offered, and he hopes to continue working with Derek in the future."
- William L.
Seoul, South Korea
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March 7, 2023

"Beloved is a complicated book with sensitive issues.  However, it is literature that is found on most curriculum (US, UK, Ireland, and International Edexcel).  Derek is an interesting teacher as he draws the student to critically evaluate complicated content that provides not only an in-depth academic study, but also facilitates the student to inner learning.  Actually, there are few courses that have the content that is available in this course and provide an opportunity for the student to undertake written critical analysis at such a high standard.  Aside from the content, the educator is highly recommended for his subject expertise and passion."
- Carol B.
Killarney, Ireland
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March 6, 2023

"My daughter has taken a number of courses with  Mr. Bunting over the past two years.  As with Mr. Bunting's other courses, the instruction was top notch.  Derek pushed my daughter to read deeply and offered varying supporting materials to broaden her understanding of the underlying text.  My daughter also wrote three AP-style essays over the four weeks, and Derek provided detailed feedback for each essay in a private individual writing conference.  She walked away feeling very proud of her own progress and development — and there's absolutely nothing more I can ask for as a parent.  I highly recommend Derek's courses.  He will change the way your child reads!"
- Annie P.
Yorba Linda, California
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January 26, 2023

"My teenage sons have taken a number of novel study classes over the years and we have never been able to find one that has a true Socratic discussion until we found Mr. Bunting.  He provides the perfect balance between guidance and student-led analysis.  There are NO surface questions in this class.  Expect your children to be challenged in the best way possible.  He is masterful in getting the students to talk and engage deeply with the text.  In addition to running an excellent novel study, he offers the students a chance to practice their writing skills through weekly AP-style essay prompts, giving them frequent and valuable feedback along the way.  My sons are eager to take more of Mr. Bunting's courses and I feel a sense of relief knowing that I have found a talented teacher to guide them on their literary journey."
- DeeAnn W.
Jacksonville, Florida
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September  27, 2022

"Derek Bunting was my older son's English teacher in an independent school here in Salt Lake City and was the best English teacher he has had.  I was very happy to learn that I could give my younger son the opportunity to work with Mr. Bunting in these enrichment classes that he now offers online.  Derek provides the opportunity for engaging, thought-provoking discussions that involve each and every student.  He is extremely well-prepared and skilled at guiding his students to develop a deeper understanding of the text through the questions he asks and his overall approach to learning.  The one-on-one writing conferences he offers were also very beneficial to my son."
- Denice M.
Salt Lake City, Utah
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